Fuzzing with Echidna Fuzzing is a well-known technique in the security industry to discover bugs in software. Here you will get to know some tools available for fuzz testing and have a basic understanding of how Echidna works.
Synthetix Staking Rewards Issue - Inefficient Reward Distribution During an audit by Macro's security team, they found a bug in Synthetix Staking Rewards distribution. While the issue is not an exploitable bug, the Ethereum community should be made aware of it.
Solidity Gas Optimizations Cheat Sheet There are a number of things you should keep in mind to write the best and most gas efficient solidity code. In this post you can find a list of low-hanging fruits you can apply to your contracts today.
Sommelier Finance The Macro Audits team audited two of Sommelier’s cellar-contracts. Access the report and learn more about our smart contract auditing process.