Security Audit
Sep 19, 2023
Version 1.0.0
Presented by 0xMacro
This document includes the results of the security audit for PoolTogether's smart contract code as found in the section titled ‘Source Code’. The security audit was performed by the Macro security team from July 3, 2023 to July 28, 2023.
The purpose of this audit is to review the source code of certain PoolTogether Solidity contracts, and provide feedback on the design, architecture, and quality of the source code with an emphasis on validating the correctness and security of the software in its entirety.
Disclaimer: While Macro’s review is comprehensive and has surfaced some changes that should be made to the source code, this audit should not solely be relied upon for security, as no single audit is guaranteed to catch all possible bugs.
The following is an aggregation of issues found by the Macro Audit team:
Severity | Count | Acknowledged | Won't Do | Addressed |
Critical | 2 | - | - | 2 |
High | 4 | - | - | 4 |
Medium | 4 | - | 1 | 3 |
Low | 7 | - | - | 7 |
Code Quality | 16 | - | 1 | 15 |
Informational | 2 | - | - | - |
Gas Optimization | 4 | 1 | 1 | 2 |
PoolTogether was quick to respond to these issues.
Our understanding of the specification was based on the following sources:
The following source code was reviewed during the audit:
We audited the following contracts within pt-v5-prize-pool repository:
Contract | SHA256 |
src/PrizePool.sol |
src/abstract/TieredLiquidityDistributor.sol |
src/libraries/BitLib.sol |
src/libraries/DrawAccumulatorLib.sol |
src/libraries/TierCalculationLib.sol |
src/libraries/UD34x4.sol |
We audited the following contracts within pt-v5-twab-controller repository:
Contract | SHA256 |
src/TwabController.sol |
src/libraries/ObservationLib.sol |
src/libraries/OverflowSafeComparatorLib.sol |
src/libraries/TwabLib.sol |
Note: This document contains an audit solely of the Solidity contracts listed above. Specifically, the audit pertains only to the contracts themselves, and does not pertain to any other programs or scripts, including deployment scripts.
Click on an issue to jump to it, or scroll down to see them all.
in TieredLiquidityDistributor constructor
parameter in PrizePool constructor only if it is not address(0)
library is not used
only if the fee is not 0
We quantify issues in three parts:
This third part – the severity level – is a summary of how much consideration the client should give to fixing the issue. We assign severity according to the table of guidelines below:
Severity | Description |
(C-x) Critical |
We recommend the client must fix the issue, no matter what, because not fixing would mean significant funds/assets WILL be lost. |
(H-x) High |
We recommend the client must address the issue, no matter what, because not fixing would be very bad, or some funds/assets will be lost, or the code’s behavior is against the provided spec. |
(M-x) Medium |
We recommend the client to seriously consider fixing the issue, as the implications of not fixing the issue are severe enough to impact the project significantly, albiet not in an existential manner. |
(L-x) Low |
The risk is small, unlikely, or may not relevant to the project in a meaningful way. Whether or not the project wants to develop a fix is up to the goals and needs of the project. |
(Q-x) Code Quality |
The issue identified does not pose any obvious risk, but fixing could improve overall code quality, on-chain composability, developer ergonomics, or even certain aspects of protocol design. |
(I-x) Informational |
Warnings and things to keep in mind when operating the protocol. No immediate action required. |
(G-x) Gas Optimizations |
The presented optimization suggestion would save an amount of gas significant enough, in our opinion, to be worth the development cost of implementing it. |
The PrizePool
contract relies on TwabController
reporting proper values for the average user balance contributed through a particular vault (during a specific time period) and the average total balance contributed through that same vault (during a specific time period). This interaction is performed in PrizePool._getVaultUserBalanceAndTotalSupplyTwab()
Individual vault is responsible for the timely and correct recording of user contributions with TwabController
. Vault is expected but not trusted to perform this function correctly. When it does not properly record user contributions, the winning odds of users contributing through that vault will be affected, but the expectation is that this cannot affect the winning odds of users from other vaults.
Winning odds are based on the following parameters:
[0, 1]tierOdds
[0, 1]vaultTwabTotalSupply
[0, type(uint256).max]userTwab
[0, vaultTwabTotalSupply
]The formula for calculating odds is similar to the following, although differently implemented within the codebase:
* vaultContributionFraction
* (userTwab
The assumption within the system is that userTwab
/ vaultTwabTotalSupply
ratio is always ≤ 1.
When this assumption holds, even if a particular vault misbehaves in interaction with TwabController
, the odds of other vaults and users contributing through those vaults will not be affected. However, there is an implementation error in TwabController
logic which allows this assumption to be invalidated, causing total system failure.
In the TwabController
, a malicious vault can mint()
any uint96
amount for a particular user. This will update:
tracking balance of a particular user in TwabController._increaseBalances()
and underlying TwabLib.increaseBalances()
tracking total supply for a vault in TwabController._increaseTotalSupplyBalances()
and underlying TwabLib.increaseBalances()
.Balances are tracked in Account.details.balance
and Account.details.delegateBalance
, which are fields of type uint112
. In addition, for calculating time-weighted average balance, Observation.balance
and Observation.cummulativeBalance
fields are used, which are of type uint96
// TwabLib.sol
function increaseBalances(...) {
accountDetails.delegateBalance += _delegateAmount;
observation = ObservationLib.Observation({
// silent overflow when delegateBalance > type(uint96).max
balance: uint96(accountDetails.delegateBalance),
If Account’s delegateBalance
becomes greater than type(uint96).max
, corresponding observation.balance
will have incorrect value due to the silent overflow because of unsafe downcast of uint112
to uint96
. Since provided balance is externally controlled and unrestricted, a malicious vault can initialize the Account tracking balance of a particular user and the associated observation.balance
to an enormous but valid value. On the other hand, it can cause an overflow of observation.balance
for the Account tracking the total supply of the vault. This will cause userTwab
to have enormous value while vaultTwabTotalSupply
will incorrectly and unexpectedly have a minuscule value. Within PrizePool
ratio of userTwab
/ vaultTwabTotalSupply
will consequently become much larger > 1, giving the malicious vault odds for winning and claiming every prize.
PoC validating the finding:
// add to TwabController.t.sol
function testGetTwabBetween_WithOverflow() external {
uint32 initialTimestamp = PERIOD_OFFSET + PERIOD_LENGTH;
uint32 currentTimestamp = initialTimestamp + PERIOD_LENGTH;
uint96 _amount = type(uint96).max;, _amount);
TwabLib.Account memory account = twabController.getTotalSupplyAccount(mockVault);
TwabLib.AccountDetails memory accountDetails = account.details;
assertEq(account.observations[0].balance, type(uint96).max);
uint96 _amount2 = 3;, _amount2);
account = twabController.getTotalSupplyAccount(mockVault);
accountDetails = account.details;
assertEq(account.observations[0].balance, 2);
// [before,after] observation
uint256 balance = twabController.getTwabBetween(
initialTimestamp - 50,
initialTimestamp + 50
uint256 totalSupply = twabController.getTotalSupplyTwabBetween(
initialTimestamp - 50,
initialTimestamp + 50
assertEq(balance, _amount / 2);
assertEq(totalSupply, 1);
assertLt(totalSupply, balance);
// console.log(balance); // 39614081257132168796771975167
// console.log(totalSupply); // 1
// add to PrizePool.t.sol
function testIsWinnerGrandPrize_WithCorruptedTWAB() public {
uint256 amount1ETH = 1e18;
uint256 amount100ETH = 100e18;
address otherUser = address(0x100);
address otherVault = address(0x200);, amount1ETH);
prizePool.contributePrizeTokens(address(this), amount1ETH);
vm.startPrank(otherUser);, amount100ETH);
prizePool.contributePrizeTokens(otherVault, amount100ETH);
(uint64 startTime, uint64 endTime) = prizePool.calculateTierTwabTimestamps(0);
address(this), // _vault
msg.sender, // _user
address(this), // _vault
// mock twab results for other vault
otherVault, // _vault
otherUser, // _user
abi.encode(uint256(amount100ETH / 2))
otherVault, // _vault
abi.encode(uint256(amount100ETH / 2))
// user with x100 smaller contribution wins grand prize because of incorrect TWAB
assertEq(prizePool.isWinner(address(this), msg.sender, 0, 0), true);
assertEq(prizePool.isWinner(otherVault, otherUser, 0, 0), false);
Remediations to consider:
to safely cast the accountDetails.delegateBalance
.As explained in issue [C-1], the PrizePool
contract relies on TwabController
to provide the correct values for userTwab
and vaultTwab
for specific prize period interval. The expectation is that when there is a single user/contributor for a particular vault, the ratio of userTwab
and vaultTwab
can never be greater than 1. When there are multiple users/contributors, the expectation is that ratio of the sum of userTwab
s and vaultTwab
also can never be greater than 1. When this invariant is satisfied, winning odds for different vaults are correctly calculated in the PrizePool. However, when this invariant is not satisfied, the vault/s will have incorrect odds and may incorrectly claim prizes affecting other vaults and their users.
In PrizePool._computeVaultTierDetails()
, the draw duration for the grand prize is calculated in the following way and ends up being 366 days due to rounding up.
drawDuration = uint16(TierCalculationLib.estimatePrizeFrequencyInDraws(tierOdds));
In PrizePool._getVaultUserBalanceAndTotalSupplyTwab()
, previously calculated draw duration is used to generate start and end timestamps for a particular time interval. This time interval is then used to query TwabController for a user and vault TWAB values.
function _getVaultUserBalanceAndTotalSupplyTwab(
address _vault,
address _user,
uint256 _drawDuration
) internal view returns (uint256 twab, uint256 twabTotalSupply) {
uint32 _endTimestamp = uint32(_lastClosedDrawStartedAt + drawPeriodSeconds);
uint32 _startTimestamp = uint32(_endTimestamp - _drawDuration * drawPeriodSeconds);
twab = twabController.getTwabBetween(_vault, _user, _startTimestamp, _endTimestamp);
twabTotalSupply = twabController.getTotalSupplyTwabBetween(
In TwabController
, the number of observations kept in history per user and vault account for historical lookups is 365. For each period, there is at most one observation record in case there was a balance change for that user or vault account within a particular period.
// ObservationLib.sol
uint16 constant MAX_CARDINALITY = 365;
// TwabLib.sol
* @notice Account details and historical twabs.
* @param details The account details
* @param observations The history of observations for this account
struct Account {
AccountDetails details;
ObservationLib.Observation[MAX_CARDINALITY] observations;
The TwabLib.getTwabBetween()
function is responsible for calculating TWAB values for user and vault accounts based on the provided time interval. This function finds in account observations records of previous occurrences relative to start and end timestamps. It then performs extrapolations of balance amounts if timestamps of occurrences do not exactly match provided time interval. In the end, it calculates the final result according to this formula.
(endObservation.cumulativeBalance - startObservation.cumulativeBalance) /
(_endTime - _startTime);
When a set of records in history covers a wider time period than the queried interval this formula and implementation works properly. However, when the start of the period has already been overwritten with new observation records, there is an issue that causes the overall calculation to be incorrect. The issue is in the underlying _getPreviousOrAtObservation()
function which sets cumulativeBalance
to 0 even though cumulativeBalance
, at this particular point in time before being overwritten, was not 0.
(oldestTwabIndex, prevOrAtObservation) = getOldestObservation(_observations, _accountDetails);
if (_targetTime < prevOrAtObservation.timestamp) {
ObservationLib.Observation({ cumulativeBalance: 0, balance: 0, timestamp: PERIOD_OFFSET });
In this edge case, the difference between the final cumulative balance and the initial cumulative balance becomes larger than expected. Consequently calculated TWAB value also becomes larger than expected.
Malicious vault can exploit the previously mentioned issue in the following way:
Mint an arbitrarily large amount of balance at period 1 to user Alice.
In period 2, the vault burns almost the whole of Alice’s balance.
In order to fill the user account observations history but not cause the same for the corresponding vault account, the malicious vault repeatedly for at least 368 periods does the following:
At period 370 query arrives for TWAB values related to time interval [3,369]. Because of time interval overflow, the system returns for user and vault TWABs following:
end cumulative balance:
(initial amount) * 1 period + 1 wei * 368 periods
start cumulative balance (due to the overflow and last occurrence being after the start): 0
end cumulative balance:
(initial amount) * 1 period + 1 wei * 368 periods
start cumulative balance (extrapolation of occurrence recorded at burn operation):
(initial amount) * 1 period + 1 wei * 2 periods
As a result of the above, the ratio of user and vault TWAB values becomes approximately equal to an arbitrary initial amount, which allows the malicious vault to become a grand prize winner with almost no contribution to the PrizePool.
((initial amount) * 1 period + 1 wei * 368 periods) - 0) /
((initial amount) * 1 period + 1 wei * 368 periods) - ((initial amount) * 1 period + 1 wei * 2 periods)
or -------------------
((initial amount) * 1 period + 1 wei * 368 periods) / 1 wei * 366 periods
PoC validating the finding:
function testGetTwabBetween_PeriodOverflow() external {
uint32 initialTimestamp = PERIOD_OFFSET + PERIOD_LENGTH;
uint32 currentTimestamp = initialTimestamp + PERIOD_LENGTH;
// period 1
uint96 _amount = 100e18;, _amount);
TwabLib.Account memory account = twabController.getTotalSupplyAccount(mockVault);
assertEq(account.observations[0].balance, _amount);
// period 2
twabController.burn(alice, _amount - 1); // 99.99...%
for (uint256 i = 2; i < 400; i++) {
vm.warp(initialTimestamp + i * PERIOD_LENGTH);
// used to increase cardinality of user's account observations
// without increasing cardinality of the vault's account observations
twabController.delegate(mockVault, bob);
twabController.delegate(mockVault, alice);
vm.warp(initialTimestamp + 400 * PERIOD_LENGTH);
uint32 endTime = initialTimestamp + 399 * PERIOD_LENGTH;
uint32 startTime = endTime - 366 * PERIOD_LENGTH;
// [before,after] observation
uint256 balance = twabController.getTwabBetween(
uint256 totalSupply = twabController.getTotalSupplyTwabBetween(
console.log(balance); // 273224043715846995
console.log(totalSupply); // 1
assertLt(totalSupply, balance);
Remediations to consider:
In the PrizePool
contract, _computeNextNumberOfTiers()
is responsible for calculating the number of tiers for the next draw based on the number of tiers in the previous draw. This function enforces the specification requirement that there should be a minimum of 3 tiers in each draw. However, there is no corresponding functionality that would prevent an increase in the number of tiers over a maximum number of tiers for a particular draw.
The specification defines the maximum number of tiers within the system to be 15. In addition, parts of the functionality in the rest of the codebase assume the maximum number of tiers to be 15. For example, _canaryPrizeCountFractional()
returns 0 for numTiers
input which is outside of the range [3,15].
function _canaryPrizeCountFractional(uint8 numTiers) internal view returns (UD60x18) {
if (numTiers == 3) {
} else if (numTiers == 15) {
return ud(0);
Due to a missing restriction in _computeNextNumberOfTiers
and unmet expectation within the rest of the codebase that number of tiers will never be higher than 15, when this edge case happens PrizePool
contract will end up in bricked state since closeDraw()
function will never be processed successfully.
Whenever the conditions are met for _computeNextNumberOfTiers()
to return 16, closeDraw()
will fail due to division by 0. More precisely, _computePrizeSize()
will fail when calculating prize size for the canary tier because the number of prizes for the canary tier with index 15 is 0. For _computeNextNumberOfTiers
to return 16, the previous draw should have the maximum number of tiers, and the largestTierClaimed
should be the canary tier (tier with index 14). In addition, the number of prize claims for the canary and highest standard tier should be over the tier expansion threshold.
Note: due to issue [M-1] in the current implementation, the last precondition is not necessary.
Remediations to consider:
implementation to enforce the maximum number of tiers being 15.In the PrizePool
contract, claimPrize()
function enables Vaults to claim prizes of winners on their behalf. When the winner's claim is checked and confirmed, the function updates the state variable claimedPrizes
used to prevent double claims. State variable update takes into account user
, drawId
, tier
, and prizeIndex
if (claimedPrizes[_winner][lastClosedDrawId][_tier][_prizeIndex]) {
revert AlreadyClaimedPrize(msg.sender, _winner, _tier, _prizeIndex, _prizeRecipient);
claimedPrizes[_winner][lastClosedDrawId][_tier][_prizeIndex] = true;
However, the claimedPrizes
state variable is defined in a way that doesn’t take into account Vault or msg.sender
. As a result, if the same user contributes prize tokens through 2 or more different vaults and wins, she will not be able to claim all the prizes but instead only one.
On top, the way that a user’s specific random number is calculated does not take into account the vault for which the prize claim is made. In essence, this means that a user holds the same ticket across all different vaults to which he/she has made a deposit. As a result, if a user wins in one of the vaults, then he/she wins in the rest of the vaults too, skewing the prize distribution.
Remediations to consider:
to take into account the vault for which the random number is calculated. In the end, the calculated pseudo-random number would be the result of a hash of a user’s address, vault’s address, tier, prize index, and winning random number, orclaimPrize()
implementation and claimedPrizes
state variable to be able to differentiate between claims with the same user, draw, tier, and prizeIndex but coming from different vaults.In the PrizePool
contract, claimPrize()
function enables winners to claim their prizes. In this function, the portion of the overall contributions for which a particular Vault is responsible is calculated in the _computeVaultTierDetails()
and _getVaultPortion()
function _computeVaultTierDetails(
address _vault,
uint8 _tier,
uint8 _numberOfTiers,
uint16 _lastClosedDrawId
) internal view returns (SD59x18 vaultPortion, SD59x18 tierOdds, uint16 drawDuration) {
drawDuration = uint16(TierCalculationLib.estimatePrizeFrequencyInDraws(tierOdds));
vaultPortion = _getVaultPortion(
uint16(drawDuration > _lastClosedDrawId ? 0 : _lastClosedDrawId - drawDuration + 1),
**_lastClosedDrawId + 1,**
However, there is an error in the provided arguments for the _getVaultPortion()
call. _getVaultPortion()
performs the calculation of disbursed amount between startDrawId
and endDrawId
with those draws included. _computeVaultTierDetails()
calculates the correct startDrawId
based on the drawDuration
, but it is off-by-one in calculating endDrawId
as it includes the currently open draw.
As a result, potential attackers may misuse this implementation error to increase their chances of winning a previously closed draw. After getting to know winningRandomNumber
they can frontrun new contributions for the currently open draw and skew winning odds in their favor. In addition, with a carefully prepared sequence of contributions of increasing sizes, a potential attacker may create more than the expected number of winners for the closed draw and drain all available reserve
PoC validating the finding:
// add to PrizePool.t.sol
function testIsWinner_notAffectedByNewContributions() public {
mockTwab(msg.sender, 1);
assertEq(prizePool.isWinner(address(this), msg.sender, 1, 0), true);
// amount is large because of the current mock data setup
contribute(100_000e18, sender1);
// here it fails as isWinner returns false
assertEq(prizePool.isWinner(address(this), msg.sender, 1, 0), true);
Remediations to consider:
implementation to provide proper value for the endDrawId
argument in a call to the _getVaultPortion()
.In TwabController
, the system allows users to delegate
their balance to other users. Specification and expectation is that this operation can be reversed by either delegating back to itself or delegating to a different user. In addition, the system aims to prevent delegation to the same user multiple times.
However, in the case of one specific delegate address - zero address, these mechanisms break. The core cause is in the handling of zero address delegate in _delegateOf()
and _delegate()
function _delegateOf() {
_userDelegate = delegates[_vault][_user];
// If the user has not delegated, then the user is the delegate
if (_userDelegate == address(0)) {
_userDelegate = _user;
As seen above, when delegates[_vault][_user]
record is zero address, _userDelegate
will be initialized to _user
and _currentDelegate
as well as seen below.
function _delegate() {
address _currentDelegate = _delegateOf(_vault, _from);
if (_to == _currentDelegate) {
revert SameDelegateAlreadySet(_to);
delegates[_vault][_from] = _to;
In _delegate()
, since _to
is a zero address, delegates[_vault][_from]
will also be set to zero address, and this will allow a user to delegate to a zero address multiple times if there is an available delegateBalance
in his account.
In addition, a malicious user to whom someone already delegated may prevent the reclaim of those balances by frontrunning those operations with its own delegation to zero address. In this case, a malicious user’s delegate balance will be inadequate for the system to retrieve delegated balance back, and the operation of _transferDelegateBalance()
will fail due to DelegateBalanceLTAmount
error as shown in PoC below.
PoC validating the finding:
function testDelegate_duplicateDelegatePossibleWhenDelegatingToZeroAddress() external {
uint96 _amount = 5e18;, _amount);
assertEq(twabController.delegateOf(mockVault, alice), alice);
assertEq(twabController.balanceOf(mockVault, alice), _amount);
assertEq(twabController.delegateBalanceOf(mockVault, alice), _amount);
assertEq(twabController.delegateBalanceOf(mockVault, bob), 0);
assertEq(twabController.balanceOf(mockVault, bob), 0);
assertEq(twabController.delegateBalanceOf(mockVault, charlie), 0);
assertEq(twabController.balanceOf(mockVault, charlie), 0);
twabController.delegate(mockVault, address(0));
assertEq(twabController.delegateOf(mockVault, alice), alice);
assertEq(twabController.balanceOf(mockVault, alice), _amount);
assertEq(twabController.delegateBalanceOf(mockVault, alice), 0);, _amount);
twabController.delegate(mockVault, alice);
assertEq(twabController.delegateOf(mockVault, alice), alice);
assertEq(twabController.balanceOf(mockVault, alice), _amount);
assertEq(twabController.delegateBalanceOf(mockVault, alice), _amount);
assertEq(twabController.balanceOf(mockVault, bob), _amount);
assertEq(twabController.delegateBalanceOf(mockVault, bob), 0);
twabController.delegate(mockVault, address(0));
assertEq(twabController.delegateOf(mockVault, alice), alice);
assertEq(twabController.balanceOf(mockVault, alice), _amount);
assertEq(twabController.delegateBalanceOf(mockVault, alice), 0);
twabController.delegate(mockVault, charlie);
Remediations to consider:
In the PrizePool
contract, _computeNextNumberOfTiers()
is responsible for determining the number of tiers in the next draw. The spec states that the number of tiers is increased when:
In function implementation, _nextNumberOfTiers
is first initialized to largestTierClaimed + 2
. After initialization, various tier expansion criteria calculations and checks are performed, but at the end, _nextNumberOfTiers
is returned.
function _computeNextNumberOfTiers(uint8 _numTiers) internal view returns (uint8) {
UD2x18 _claimExpansionThreshold = claimExpansionThreshold;
uint8 _nextNumberOfTiers = largestTierClaimed + 2; // canary tier, then length
// ... here perform additional checks for claim threshold %
// ... IF threshold is met, set _nextNumberOfTiers = _numTiers + 1;
return _nextNumberOfTiers;
In case when largestTierClaimed
is the canary tier, _nextNumberOfTiers
will be initialized to a value which is _numTiers + 1
, and that will be the return value without considering the rest of the function implementation. However, this is not in line with the specification.
PoC validating the finding:
function testIncreaseTier() public {
uint256 winningRandomNumber = 1;
uint256 amount = 10 ether;
// current number of tiers is 3
assertEq(prizePool.numberOfTiers(), 3);
// contribute prize tokens to prize pool, amount);
prizeToken.transfer(address(prizePool), amount);
prizePool.contributePrizeTokens(address(vaults[0]), amount);
// deposit tokens to vault
vm.startPrank(winner);, amount);
underlyingToken.approve(address(vault), amount);
vault.deposit(amount, winner);
// close the 1st draw
vm.warp(block.timestamp + 2 days);
// claim canary tier
prizePool.claimPrize(winner, 2, 1, winner, 0, address(0));
// close the 2nd draw
vm.warp(block.timestamp + 1 days);
// new number of tiers is 4
assertEq(prizePool.numberOfTiers(), 4);
Remediations to consider:
initialization in _computeNextNumberOfTiers()
to add 1 instead of 2 to largestTierClaimed
function _computeNextNumberOfTiers(uint8 _numTiers) internal view returns (uint8) {
uint8 _nextNumberOfTiers = largestTierClaimed + 1;
In the PrizePool
contract, _computeNextNumberOfTiers()
is responsible for determining the number of tiers in the next draw. While specification defines what should be satisfied to increase the number of tiers it doesn’t define what should happen to decrease the number of tiers. A decrease in the number of tiers aggregates available liquidity. It also causes an increase in the size of individual prizes. This is desirable in particular circumstances because claiming a small prize may not be cost-effective as it is gas prohibitive.
The current implementation works in a way that if a single claim happens in a canary prize tier/highest standard tier, the number of tiers will not be reduced. A malicious actor may claim this single prize even if it is not cost-effective for him to do it in order to cause liquidity to be trapped in tiers with prize sizes too small for profitable claiming. While the motives of such an actor are not obvious to us at the moment, the small cost of this type of griefing attack and the fact it is relatively easy to perform increase the likelihood of it happening.
Remediations to consider:
in an analogy to the current claimExpansionThreshold
system parameter. Update _computeNextNumberOfTiers()
to consider claimReductionThreshold
for the canary prize tier and reduce the number of tiers if the number of claims is below that threshold. In _nextDraw()
and _computeNewDistributions()
, reclaim liquidity for obsolete tiers similarly as it is currently done.The PrizePool
contract determines the winner on claim requests based on TWAB values returned from the TwabController
. TWAB values are calculated based on corresponding observations previously retrieved using binary search.
A malicious actor may intentionally cause a buffer of observations for a particular user or set of users to fill up. As a result, TWAB calculation for them will be more costly, and consequently, prize claiming will have different cost-benefit tradeoff.
A malicious actor can achieve the creation of new observation records by repeatedly performing delegate to one or more users in sequence within the same transaction. In the current implementation, the griefer needs to have at least 1 wei of delegateBalance
to perform this.
Remediations to consider:
In the TwabLib
contract, increasesBalances()
and decreasesBalances()
functions rely on _getNextObservationIndex()
to know when a new observation record should be created or not. When PERIOD_OFFSET
is in the future, observations may be created on each block for the duration of period 0 (until PERIOD_OFFSET
is reached). This may result in a ring buffer of observations for a particular account getting filled with less than 365 different periods that guarantee to be able to provide proper TWAB.
if (currentPeriod == 0 || currentPeriod > newestObservationPeriod) {
return (
uint16(RingBufferLib.wrap(_accountDetails.nextObservationIndex, MAX_CARDINALITY)),
The above edge case invalidates the specification invariant that there should be at most one observation per period.
Remediations to consider:
is in the past, orIn the PrizePool
contract, the implementation allows tiers that have non-zero remaining liquidity to have a prize size of 0. In this case, end users will be able to claim 0 prize, but without effect on the remaining tier balance. The only effect will be on the claim count, which will increase on successful prize claims.
PoC validating the finding:
function testCloseAndOpenNextDraw_ZeroPrize() public {
uint8 startingTiers = 11;
// reset prize pool at higher tiers
ConstructorParams memory prizePoolParams = ConstructorParams(
startingTiers, // higher number of tiers
ud2x18(0.9e18), // claim threshold of 90%
sd1x18(0.9e18) // alpha
prizePool = new PrizePool(prizePoolParams);
// tiers should not change upon first draw
assertEq(prizePool.numberOfTiers(), startingTiers, "starting tiers");
assertEq(prizePool.getTierRemainingLiquidity(9), 100, "small liquidity");
assertEq(prizePool.getTierPrizeSize(9), 0, "zero price");
assertEq(prizePool.reserve(), 10, "reserve after first draw");
// now claim only smallest prize
address winner = makeAddr("winner");
address recipient = makeAddr("recipient");
mockTwab(winner, 9);
emit ClaimedPrize(
prizePool.claimPrize(winner, 9, 0, recipient, 0, address(0));
Remediations to consider:
In TieredLiquidityDistributor.sol lastClosedDrawId
is set as uint16
. After every draw, its value is increased by 1. Given daily draws, the maximum value of uint16
would be reached in 180 years, after which the contract would get bricked since lastClosedDrawId
could no longer be incremented any further and result in the overflow error. Given hourly draws, the issue would occur in 7.8 years.
PoC validating the finding:
contract PrizePoolHarness is PrizePool {
constructor(ConstructorParams memory params) PrizePool(params) {
// set lastClosedDrawId at a maximum value of uint16 - 1
lastClosedDrawId = type(uint16).max - 1;
function testLastClosedDrawIdOverflow() public {
uint256 amount = 10 ether;
// contribute prize tokens to prize pool, amount);
prizeToken.transfer(address(prizePool), amount);
prizePool.contributePrizeTokens(address(vaults[0]), amount);
// close draw
vm.warp(block.timestamp + 2 days);
// close draw
vm.warp(block.timestamp + 1 days);
// impossible to closeDraw due to overflow error
Remediations to consider:
to uint32
to accommodate larger values.In the PrizePool
, an _amount
parameter in contributePrizeTokens()
which is of type uint256
denotes the amount of prize tokens being contributed to the prize pool. Then, we add the amount to the prize pool accumulator as such:
function contributePrizeTokens(address _prizeVault, uint256 _amount) external returns (uint256) {
lastClosedDrawId + 1,
Inside the DrawAccumulatorLib.add()
function, the tracked total amount available
is set by summing _amount
and remainingAmount
, with cast down to uint96
function add(...) internal returns (bool) {
if (_drawId != newestDrawId_) {
accumulator.observations[_drawId] = Observation({
available: uint96(_amount + remainingAmount),
disbursed: uint168(newestObservation_.disbursed + disbursedAmount + remainder)
In a scenario where the final amount exceeds the max value of uint96
, the available
variable will overflow. As a result, PrizePool._accountedBalance()
will return an incorrect result and allow the first next caller of contributePrizeTokens()
to become the largest contributor (of almost all of the balance that was lost in the overflow of available
variable) and claimer of almost all prizes.
PoC validating the finding:
function testContributeOverMaxUint96() public {
uint256 contributeAmount = uint256(type(uint96).max) + 1;
// contribute max value of uint96 to the prize pool, contributeAmount);
prizeToken.transfer(address(prizePool), contributeAmount);
prizePool.contributePrizeTokens(address(vault), contributeAmount);
// close the 1st draw
vm.warp(block.timestamp + 2 days);
// prize sizes for all tiers are 0,
// even though the contributed amount is > 0
assertEq(prizePool.getTierPrizeSize(0), 0);
assertEq(prizePool.getTierPrizeSize(1), 0);
assertEq(prizePool.getTierPrizeSize(2), 0);
Remediations to consider:
to safely cast the sum of _amount
and remainingAmount
to uint96
, which will revert in case of overflow.In PrizePool.sol _isWinner()
function _userTwab
and _vaultTwabTotalSupply
, both of which are uint256
, are cast into uint128
, as shown in the snippet below:
function _isWinner(...) internal view returns (bool) {
(uint256 _userTwab, uint256 _vaultTwabTotalSupply) = _getVaultUserBalanceAndTotalSupplyTwab(
Then, inside the TierCalculationLib.sol isWinner()
, we use those two values to determine if a given user is a winner:
function isWinner(...) internal view returns (bool) {
int256 constrainedRandomNumber = _userSpecificRandomNumber % (_vaultTwabTotalSupply);
uint256 winningZone = calculateWinningZone(_userTwab, _vaultContributionFraction, _tierOdds);
return constrainedRandomNumber < winningZone;
Since these casts are silent casts, values above the max value of uint128
may overflow. For example, if _vaultTwabTotalSupply
original value is type(uint128).max + 2
, then after cast to uint128
, it will turn into 1. If this situation happens it may affect the correctness of isWinner()
implementation. The overflow of _vaultTwabTotalSupply
will increase the user’s chances of being a winner, while the overflow of _userTwab
will decrease the user’s chances of becoming a winner.
Remediations to consider:
for _userTwab
and _vaultTwabTotalSupply
, or_userTwab
or _vaultTwabTotalSupply
is above the maximum value of uint128
to avoid incorrect odds calculation.In the TwabController
are two important contract constants set in the constructor. Even though these constants have very specific ranges of valid input values there are no corresponding validation checks to ensure those are respected.
For example, if PERIOD_LENGTH
is set to 0, contract execution may revert due to division by zero errors. In case PERIOD_LENGTH
is set to large values, the system will exhibit incorrect behavior since many draws
will fall within a single period.
In the case of PERIOD_OFFSET
, natspec documentation for the variable and constructor indicates that its value should be in the past (note: dev comment in constructor incorrectly indicates that there would be underflow if the provided value is in the future). However, there is code in TwabLib._getNextObservationIndex()
that handles situations when PERIOD_OFFSET
is in the future and the corresponding period is 0.
Remediations to consider:
immutable variables.In the TwabLib
contract, when startTime and endTime are equal, the implementation of getTwabBetween()
reverts due to division by zero error.
(endObservation.cumulativeBalance - startObservation.cumulativeBalance) /
(_endTime - _startTime);
Remediations to consider:
or endObservation.balance
to more gracefully handle this edge case.In PrizePool._computeVaultTierDetails()
, the implementation logic for calculating the startDrawId
value for _getVaultPortion()
call incorrectly initializes it with a 0 value when the draw duration is bigger than the number of closed draws.
uint16(drawDuration > _lastClosedDrawId ? 0 : _lastClosedDrawId - drawDuration + 1),
However, the first valid startDrawId
value is 1 (there is a condition at the beginning of the function which enforces this). Due to how DrawAccumulatorLib.getDisbursedBetween()
is implemented, this incorrect value does not result in an error in downstream calculation.
Remediations to consider:
with proper initialization value of 1 instead of 0 for startDrawId
in the mentioned edge case._numberOfTiers
in TieredLiquidityDistributor constructor
In the TieredLiquidityDistributor
constructor, there is a check to validate that _numberOfTiers
. However, there is no corresponding validation to ensure that _numberOfTiers
is not above the intended maximum number of tiers.
Remediations to consider:
being passed is below the intended maximum number of tiers, and_numberOfTiers
input is invalid due to the validation check later on, in line 322.In TieredLiquidityDistributor._tierOdds()
, the if else statement has a branch for handling the case when _numTiers
is 16. This is unnecessary since it is the above predefined max num of tiers expected to be 15.
In addition following constants are also unnecessary:
SD59x18 internal constant TIER_ODDS_0_16 = SD59x18.wrap(2739726027397260);
SD59x18 internal constant TIER_ODDS_1_16 = SD59x18.wrap(4060005854625059);
SD59x18 internal constant TIER_ODDS_2_16 = SD59x18.wrap(6016531351950262);
SD59x18 internal constant TIER_ODDS_3_16 = SD59x18.wrap(8915910667410451);
SD59x18 internal constant TIER_ODDS_4_16 = SD59x18.wrap(13212507070785166);
SD59x18 internal constant TIER_ODDS_5_16 = SD59x18.wrap(19579642462506911);
SD59x18 internal constant TIER_ODDS_6_16 = SD59x18.wrap(29015114005673871);
SD59x18 internal constant TIER_ODDS_7_16 = SD59x18.wrap(42997559448512061);
SD59x18 internal constant TIER_ODDS_8_16 = SD59x18.wrap(63718175229875027);
SD59x18 internal constant TIER_ODDS_9_16 = SD59x18.wrap(94424100034951094);
SD59x18 internal constant TIER_ODDS_10_16 = SD59x18.wrap(139927275620255366);
SD59x18 internal constant TIER_ODDS_11_16 = SD59x18.wrap(207358528757589475);
SD59x18 internal constant TIER_ODDS_12_16 = SD59x18.wrap(307285046878222004);
SD59x18 internal constant TIER_ODDS_13_16 = SD59x18.wrap(455366367617975795);
SD59x18 internal constant TIER_ODDS_14_16 = SD59x18.wrap(674808393262840052);
SD59x18 internal constant TIER_ODDS_15_16 = SD59x18.wrap(1000000000000000000);
Consider removing unnecessary code.
returns the canary prize count for a tier with an index equal to provided _numberOfTiers
argument instead of the canary prize count for a tier with an index equal to _numberOfTiers - 1
Even though this is misleading, there is no issue within the codebase since the code in TieredLiquidityDistributor_canaryPrizeCountFractional()
references proper constant (e.g., for numTiers = 3
it uses the result of canaryPrizeCount(2)
Consider updating implementation by renaming argument _numberOfTiers
in canaryPrizeCount()
to _canaryTier
and updating corresponding function documentation.
In PrizePool._computeNextNumberOfTiers()
, the following check can be simplified
if (_nextNumberOfTiers >= _numTiers) {
by replacing ≥
with >
in condition expression. If _nextNumberOfTiers
is equal to _numTiers
that means that largestTierClaimed has been _numTiers - 2
, which is the highest standard tier. That also means that none of the claims happened in the canary tier. As a result, the canaryClaimCount
will be 0. Therefore, the inner expression will never be satisfied (we are assuming _claimExpansionThreshold
is not 0).
In PrizePool._computeNextNumberOfTiers()
, when performing a calculation for canaryClaimCount
being over the defined threshold floor()
call is unnecessary since the fromUD60x18()
conversion will achieve the same effect.
In TieredLiquidityDistributor._canaryPrizeCount()
, when retrieving _canaryPrizeCount
call is unnecessary since the loss of precision in conversion fromUD60x18()
will achieve the same.
function _canaryPrizeCount(uint8 _numberOfTiers) internal view returns (uint32) {
return uint32(fromUD60x18(_canaryPrizeCountFractional(_numberOfTiers).floor()));
parameter in PrizePool constructor only if it is not address(0)
In the PrizePool
constructor, params.drawManager
parameter is set to the drawManager
state variable regardless of whether it is address(0)
or not. A line after that, there is a check that emits an event DrawManagerSet
if the drawManager
parameter is not address(0)
, as shown below:
constructor(...) {
drawManager = params.drawManager;
if (params.drawManager != address(0)) {
emit DrawManagerSet(params.drawManager);
Consider moving drawManager
state variable update within the if
After the first draw is closed, getTierRemainingLiquidity()
for an invalid tier fails due to an assertion failure in _computePrizeSize()
. The execution trace goes through the following path:
Tests, such as PrizePool.t.sol:testGetRemainingTierLiquidity_invalidTier()
, indicate that the expectation is to return 0 in this case.
Consider updating the getTierRemainingLiquidity()
implementation to return 0 for an invalid tier or at least a specific error.
In PrizePool
import { E, toSD59x18, fromSD59x18 } from "prb-math/SD59x18.sol";
import { UD60x18, ud } from "prb-math/UD60x18.sol";
import { fromUD60x18 as fromUD60x18toUD34x4, intoUD60x18 as fromUD34x4toUD60x18, toUD34x4 } from "./libraries/UD34x4.sol";
import { BitLib } from "./libraries/BitLib.sol";
In TieredLiquidityDistributor
import { E, toSD59x18 } from "prb-math/SD59x18.sol";
import { intoSD59x18 } from "prb-math/UD60x18.sol";
import { UD2x18, intoUD60x18 } from "prb-math/UD2x18.sol";
import { SD1x18, unwrap, UNIT } from "prb-math/SD1x18.sol";
import { toUD34x4 } from "../libraries/UD34x4.sol";
In DrawAccumulatorLib
import { E } from "prb-math/SD59x18.sol";
In TierCalculationLib
import { fromUD60x18 } from "prb-math/UD60x18.sol";
In UD34x4.sol
import { uMAX_UD60x18 } from "prb-math/UD60x18.sol";
The following functions, errors, and constants are not being used outside of the UD34x4.sol
convert(UD34x4 x)
convert(uint128 x)
fromUD34x4(UD34x4 x)
toUD34x4(uint128 x)
Consider removing unused code.
Code was being used by tests, so just left it in.
library is not used
is imported in PrizePool
, yet it is not being used. Consider removing import and BitLib
entirely to reduce contract bytecode size.
In the following instances, the NatSpec documentation is incomplete:
NatSpec is incorrect. Both notice and dev.
/// @notice Casts an UD34x4 number into UD60x18.
/// @dev Requirements:
/// - x must be less than or equal to `uMAX_UD2x18`.
function fromUD60x18(UD60x18 x) pure returns (UD34x4 result) {
is missing _prizeIndex
contains an incomplete @notice
is missing @return
is missing @return
is missing _prizeIndex
, _vaultPortion
, _tierOdds
, and _drawDuration
NatSpec contains in @notice
field some obsolete information.
endDrawId - startDrawId as the _durationInDraws argument
has regular comments within the code which are misleading:
comment should be “…, or startId is after the newest record” since drawIds.second
represents the newest record.
// if there is only one observation, or startId is after the oldest record
if (_startDrawId >= drawIds.second) {
comment should be “then use the newest record”
// then use the last record
observationDrawIdBeforeOrAtStart = drawIds.second;
comment should be “if the start is before the oldest record” since drawIds.first
represents the oldest record.
} else if (_startDrawId <= drawIds.first) {
// if the start is before the newest record
// then set to the oldest record.
firstObservationDrawIdOccurringAtOrAfterStart = drawIds.first;
When the amount to transfer()
and delegate()
is 0, the system emits events even though there are no state changes. In addition, anyone can call these external methods and cause multiple events per call to be emitted. This may cause unnecessary processing in off-chain monitoring and tracking tools that rely on emitted events. Therefore, consider not emitting events in case no amount has been transferred or delegated.
In TwabLib.getBalanceAt()
, the following dev comment is incorrect since extrapolation is not performed when the balance is retrieved.
@dev If the time is not an exact match of an observation, the balance is extrapolated using the previous observation.
TwabController’s natspec for a return value in isTimeSafe()
and isTimeRangeSafe()
function indicates that the return variable is named isSafe
- which is not the case.
In ObservationLib.binarySearch()
following code comment is incorrect and should say - to the right of the current index.
} else {
// Otherwise, we keep searching higher. To the left of the current index.
leftSide = currentIndex + 1;
In TwabLib._getNextObservationIndex()
, natspec for the index
argument is misleading since the index
can have two different values/meanings depending on if a new observation should be created or a current observation updated. Only when isNew
is true the index
value represents the index of the next observation.
@return index The index of the next observation
In TwabLib’s contract, increasesBalances()
and decreasesBalances()
functions feature this same identical code:
if (isObservationRecorded) {
(index, newestObservation, isNew) = _getNextObservationIndex(
if (isNew) {
// If the index is new, then we increase the next index to use
accountDetails.nextObservationIndex = uint16(
RingBufferLib.nextIndex(uint256(index), MAX_CARDINALITY)
// Prevent the Account specific cardinality from exceeding the MAX_CARDINALITY.
// The ring buffer length is limited by MAX_CARDINALITY. IF the account.cardinality
// exceeds the max cardinality, new observations would be incorrectly set or the
// observation would be out of "bounds" of the ring buffer. Once reached the
// Account.cardinality will continue to be equal to max cardinality.
if (accountDetails.cardinality < MAX_CARDINALITY) {
accountDetails.cardinality += 1;
observation = ObservationLib.Observation({
balance: uint96(accountDetails.delegateBalance),
cumulativeBalance: _extrapolateFromBalance(newestObservation, currentTime),
timestamp: currentTime
// Write to storage
_account.observations[index] = observation;
// Write to storage
_account.details = accountDetails;
Consider extracting this functionality into a separate function and reusing it from increasesBalances()
and decreasesBalances()
functions to reduce code redundancy.
only if the fee is not 0
In PrizePool.claimPrize()
the claim reward is updated for fee recipient, and a fee is subtracted from the prize payout, as shown in the snippet below:
if (_fee != 0) {
emit IncreaseClaimRewards(_feeRecipient, _fee);
claimerRewards[_feeRecipient] += _fee;
// `amount` is now the payout amount
amount = tierLiquidity.prizeSize - _fee;
However, the fee subtraction is performed regardless of whether the fee is set or not. Consider subtracting the fee from the prize payout only if it is not 0, as such:
if (_fee != 0) {
emit IncreaseClaimRewards(_feeRecipient, _fee);
claimerRewards[_feeRecipient] += _fee;
// `amount` is now the payout amount
amount = tierLiquidity.prizeSize - _fee;
In DrawAccumulatorLib
, within add()
function disbursedAmount
is calculated in the following way:
uint256 remainingAmount = integrateInf(_alpha, relativeDraw, newestObservation_.available);
uint256 disbursedAmount = integrate(_alpha, 0, relativeDraw, newestObservation_.available);
uint256 remainder = newestObservation_.available - (remainingAmount + disbursedAmount);
accumulator.observations[_drawId] = Observation({
available: uint96(_amount + remainingAmount),
disbursed: uint168(newestObservation_.disbursed + disbursedAmount + remainder)
Since the remainder variable is not used for anything other than the calculation of new disbursed
value, consider replacing the above with the following more efficient implementation:
uint256 remainingAmount = integrateInf(_alpha, relativeDraw, newestObservation_.available);
uint256 disbursedAmount = newestObservation_.available - remainingAmount;
accumulator.observations[_drawId] = Observation({
available: uint96(_amount + remainingAmount),
disbursed: uint168(newestObservation_.disbursed + disbursedAmount)
In the TwabLib
contract, the _getNextObservationIndex()
function implementation contains an unnecessary RingBufferLib.wrap()
if (currentPeriod == 0 || currentPeriod > newestObservationPeriod) {
return (
**uint16(RingBufferLib.wrap(_accountDetails.nextObservationIndex, MAX_CARDINALITY)),**
The variable _accountDetails.nextObservationIndex
is already uint16
and guaranteed to be within bounds since RingBufferLib.wrap()
call is used when it is set in increaseBalances()
and decreaseBalances()
As a result, the above can be replaced with the following:
if (currentPeriod == 0 || currentPeriod > newestObservationPeriod) {
return (
In TwabLib
contract, _getPreviousOrAtObservation()
has a specific code for handling edge cases when cardinality is equal to 1. Since cardinality > 1 is more frequent, this code is less frequently used and adds unnecessary overhead to overall processing.
In addition, the first part of the inner if expression is an unreachable code since the previous statement performs the exact same check and return. The else branch is unnecessary since the follow-up code retrieves the oldest observation (which is the same as the newest observation when cardinality is 1) and returns the same identical result.
if (_accountDetails.cardinality == 1) {
if (_targetTime >= prevOrAtObservation.timestamp) {
return prevOrAtObservation;
} else {
cumulativeBalance: 0,
balance: 0,
timestamp: PERIOD_OFFSET
Consider removing the code above from the TwabLib._getPreviousOrAtObservation()
In TierCalculationLib
, the implementation of getTierOdds()
relies on signed fixed point numbers for calculating the odds of a specific tier within an environment with a defined number of tiers and grand prize period. In addition, due to the usage of getTierOdds()
across the codebase, many other functions also need to perform conversions from unsigned to signed fixed-point numbers and vice versa. However, the result of getTierOdds()
must always be positive because the probability of something happening can never be a negative number.
function getTierOdds(
uint8 _tier,
uint8 _numberOfTiers,
uint16 _grandPrizePeriod
) internal pure returns (SD59x18) {
SD59x18 _k = sd(1).div(sd(int16(_grandPrizePeriod))).ln().div(
sd((-1 * int8(_numberOfTiers) + 1))
return E.pow(_k.mul(sd(int8(_tier) - (int8(_numberOfTiers) - 1))));
Consider casting the result of E.pow(..)
expression to UD60x18
before returning in order to avoid unnecessary usage of signed fixed-point number type across the codebase.
Per the current architecture design, each standard tier, canary tier, and reserve gets assigned a fixed number of shares. As the number of standard tiers increases, the total number of shares allocated to all standard tiers also increases. As a result, standard tiers receive an ever-increasing proportion of total tokens distributed, while the reserve and canary tiers’ proportional share is decreasing.
Given that one of the purposes of a reserve is to provide a cushion when there is insufficient tier liquidity for prizes, this cushion will proportionally get smaller and smaller, adding extra risk that any given prize draw will result in insufficient liquidity.
A potential mitigation is to calculate the number of tokens that the reserve should receive based on a set percentage of total tokens being distributed rather than the reserve’s total shares. Alternatively, as the number of tiers increases, the number of reserve shares could grow in proportion to the number of tiers. Another possibility is to enable depositing tokens directly into reserve if insufficient liquidity becomes problematic enough.
Not applicable anymore due to implementation changes in how reserves are handled.
The TwabController
is a highly trusted system component. The PrizePool
relies on TwabController
to provide the correct TWAB values necessary for the proper calculation of winning odds. When this is not the case whole system may get affected, as shown in [C-1] and [C-2] findings.
What increases the likelihood of any miscalculations being exploited by external parties is the un-permissioned interaction of 3rd party Vaults with the TwabController. Malicious 3rd party Vaults may directly leverage unexpected interaction flows with the TwabController to trigger miscalculations in the TWAB value calculation process. This channel enables them to affect overall system security.
Due to the above, consider limiting interaction with the TwabController only to vault contract instances created through the official VaultFactory.
We acknowledge that permissionless vault creation carries more risk.
Macro makes no warranties, either express, implied, statutory, or otherwise, with respect to the services or deliverables provided in this report, and Macro specifically disclaims all implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, noninfringement and those arising from a course of dealing, usage or trade with respect thereto, and all such warranties are hereby excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.
Macro will not be liable for any lost profits, business, contracts, revenue, goodwill, production, anticipated savings, loss of data, or costs of procurement of substitute goods or services or for any claim or demand by any other party. In no event will Macro be liable for consequential, incidental, special, indirect, or exemplary damages arising out of this agreement or any work statement, however caused and (to the fullest extent permitted by law) under any theory of liability (including negligence), even if Macro has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
The scope of this report and review is limited to a review of only the code presented by the PoolTogether team and only the source code Macro notes as being within the scope of Macro’s review within this report. This report does not include an audit of the deployment scripts used to deploy the Solidity contracts in the repository corresponding to this audit. Specifically, for the avoidance of doubt, this report does not constitute investment advice, is not intended to be relied upon as investment advice, is not an endorsement of this project or team, and it is not a guarantee as to the absolute security of the project. In this report you may through hypertext or other computer links, gain access to websites operated by persons other than Macro. Such hyperlinks are provided for your reference and convenience only, and are the exclusive responsibility of such websites’ owners. You agree that Macro is not responsible for the content or operation of such websites, and that Macro shall have no liability to your or any other person or entity for the use of third party websites. Macro assumes no responsibility for the use of third party software and shall have no liability whatsoever to any person or entity for the accuracy or completeness of any outcome generated by such software.