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Sommelier A-4

Security Audit

January 11, 2023

Version 1.0.0

Presented by 0xMacro

Table of Contents


This document includes the results of the security audit for Sommelier Finance's smart contract code as found in the section titled ‘Source Code’. The security audit was performed by the Macro security team from November 28, 2022 to December 23, 2022.

The purpose of this audit is to review the source code of certain Sommelier Finance Solidity contracts, and provide feedback on the design, architecture, and quality of the source code with an emphasis on validating the correctness and security of the software in its entirety.

Disclaimer: While Macro’s review is comprehensive and has surfaced some changes that should be made to the source code, this audit should not solely be relied upon for security, as no single audit is guaranteed to catch all possible bugs.

Overall Assessment

The following is an aggregation of issues found by the Macro Audit team:

Severity Count Acknowledged Won't Do Addressed
High 5 - - 5
Medium 8 3 - 5
Low 2 - - 2
Code Quality 7 2 - 5

Sommelier Finance was quick to respond to these issues.


Our understanding of the specification was based on the following sources:

Source Code

The following source code was reviewed during the audit:

Specifically, we audited the following contracts within this repository:

Contract SHA256












































































Note: This document contains an audit solely of the Solidity contracts listed above. Specifically, the audit pertains only to the contracts themselves, and does not pertain to any other programs or scripts, including deployment scripts.

Issue Descriptions and Recommendations

Click on an issue to jump to it, or scroll down to see them all.

Security Level Reference

We quantify issues in three parts:

  1. The high/medium/low/spec-breaking impact of the issue:
    • How bad things can get (for a vulnerability)
    • The significance of an improvement (for a code quality issue)
    • The amount of gas saved (for a gas optimization)
  2. The high/medium/low likelihood of the issue:
    • How likely is the issue to occur (for a vulnerability)
  3. The overall critical/high/medium/low severity of the issue.

This third part – the severity level – is a summary of how much consideration the client should give to fixing the issue. We assign severity according to the table of guidelines below:

Severity Description

We recommend the client must fix the issue, no matter what, because not fixing would mean significant funds/assets WILL be lost.


We recommend the client must address the issue, no matter what, because not fixing would be very bad, or some funds/assets will be lost, or the code’s behavior is against the provided spec.


We recommend the client to seriously consider fixing the issue, as the implications of not fixing the issue are severe enough to impact the project significantly, albiet not in an existential manner.


The risk is small, unlikely, or may not relevant to the project in a meaningful way.

Whether or not the project wants to develop a fix is up to the goals and needs of the project.

Code Quality

The issue identified does not pose any obvious risk, but fixing could improve overall code quality, on-chain composability, developer ergonomics, or even certain aspects of protocol design.


Warnings and things to keep in mind when operating the protocol. No immediate action required.

Gas Optimizations

The presented optimization suggestion would save an amount of gas significant enough, in our opinion, to be worth the development cost of implementing it.

Issue Details


Cellar::_withdrawInOrder calculations round down due to division before multiplication, which may leave LP’s assets in the Cellar


This issue is similar to M-2, in that they both involve dividing, and then using the result from the division to multiply later.

uint256 totalWithdrawableBalanceInAssets multiplies withdrawableBalance with exchangeRate, but exchangeRate may lose precision due to Solidity division. This may cause a user to not receive all of the assets from the cellar that they are entitled to.

Remediations to Consider

  1. Consider using a high internal scaling factor for fixed point numbers so precision loss becomes acceptable

  2. Consider making the changes from M-2, to fix the division before multiplication problem in getValues() and getValue(). Then change totalWithdrawableBalanceInAssets in _withdrawInOrder to something like:

(uint256 exchangeRateNumerator, uint256 exchangeRateDenominator) = 
  priceRouter.getExchangeRateFOO(positionAsset, asset); 
  // modified version of getExchangeRate that returns numerator and denominator 
     instead of dividing, so values can be plugged into equation below, without 
     loss of precision.

uint256 totalWithdrawableBalanceInAssets = exchangeRateNumerator * 
withdrawableBalance / exchangeRateDenominator / onePositionAsset;

With the remediations from M-2 and the totalWithdrawableBalanceInAssets change, assets will no longer be erroneously left inside the Cellar.

Response by Sommelier Finance

_withdrawInOrder has been updated to use a scaling factor, the PRECISION_MULTIPLIER introduced on line 840 in Cellar.sol. These multipliers are used in the withdrawInOrder accounting logic (lines 866-893). This approach also necessitated the creation of a new struct, WithdrawPricing (lines 827-835) in order to get around stack-too-deep errors in the fixed implementation.


LPs can lose funds to a malicious strategist when calling redeem, following a strategist call to callOnAdaptor that swaps into an untracked asset


While allowedRebalanceDeviation puts a limit on the damage, a strategist can submit a call to callOnAdaptor that swaps into an asset that is not tracked by the Cellar. If an LP withdraws their shares with redeem before the untracked asset issue is found and rectified, the LP would unknowingly leave some of their assets in the Cellar.

This can can manifest in a number of ways:

  1. Accidentally. The strategist swapped into an untracked positions with no malicious intent.
  2. On purpose. A malicious strategist can do the following:
  • Create an ERC20, let’s call it AttackCoin. Only the attacker’s EOA holds AttackCoin.
  • Create a UniswapV3 pool between the Cellar base asset and AttackCoin and provide liquidity. There is no risk to the attacker at this stage because no one else holds AttackCoin, meaning that no one can drain the base asset liquidity that they provided to the pool. The Attacker doesn’t need to provide much liquidity, because they also control the amountOutMin argument.
  • Call callOnAdaptor to swap the base asset for AttackCoin. The value will be the max amount allowed through allowedRebalanceDeviation.
  • Use the EOA to swap AttackCoin for the base asset and remove all remaining liquidity from pool.
  • Attacker profits, draining funds from the Cellar/LPs. Cellar/LPs are stuck with worthless AttackCoin.

As the value in the Cellar rises, it becomes more profitable and attractive to attack. For example, a malicious strategist could take ~ 300_000e18 DAI out of a 100_000_000e18 DAI Cellar, given the default allowedRebalanceDeviation. This attack can also be repeated by calling callOnAdaptor many times, but the rate limiting that will be put in place on the Sommelier chain side should help mitigate its repeatability.

Remediations to Consider

When calling callOnAdaptor, consider adding a check that all final out assets are tracked assets in the Cellar. Intermediate swaps of unchecked out assets should still be allowed to allow for greater strategist flexibility.

Response by Sommelier Finance

The discussed attack vector is the effect of a deliberate acceptance of design trade-offs when designing an architecture for Cellar adaptors that allows arbitrary function execution (within the functionality of a cellar’s already-set-up adaptors).

The design choice here is that the Cellar itself should not have any knowledge about the purpose and/or logic of adaptor calls - the alternative would introduce the need for a complex system of interdependent, end-protocol-aware checks within Cellar logic itself. Therefore, the context-aware suggested remediation is not appropriate for this architecture.

In general, the totalAssets check and the allowedRebalanceDeviation are the core on-chain guardrails against misappropriation of cellar funds via adaptor calls. Off-chain, the Sommelier chain’s Steward architecture has and will continue to build capabilities for detecting, and blocking, malicious-seeming strategist calls. Steward can use a wide range of heuristics not available on-chain, such as “close” approaches to the rebalance deviation, unexpected tokens in decoded parameters, and so on. Given that Steward can detect and block malicious activity as described, the security model basically allows a malicious strategist to get one “free” malicious execution, within the rebalance deviation, before misappropriation is detected and stopped.

Sommelier believes this is an acceptable trade-off of risk vs. system complexity, given that default allowed rebalance deviations have also been reduced significantly in response to this report (see line 1179 of Cellar.sol). As allowed rebalance deviations decrease, and the TVL of a given Cellar increases, it’s likely that any single-time exploitation of the rebalance deviation would not be game-theoretically “worth it” compared to continuing to operate a large TVL cellar honestly and earning fees. These off-chain, aligned-incentive considerations could also create room for us increasing allowed rebalance deviations for given trusted cellars, which is a desired feature we may want to employ in the future.


Strategists can inadvertently set the holdingIndex

Use Cases

A strategist can add or remove a position, trusted by the Registry, using Cellar:addPosition or Cellar:removePosition.

However, this can change what the holdingIndex and the holding position (position to deposit to) refer to. holdingIndex is a fixed index in the creditPositions array.

Downstream impact of confusing the holding position for another arbitrary position:

  1. Withdrawal: When adjusting the withdrawal preferences for positions using swapPositions(someIndex, holdingIndex ...), a scenario can arise where the intention is to promote the holding position for withdrawal. However, Strategists can inadvertently promote an appreciating position for withdrawal. This can cause a reduction in the appreciating position. In other words, assets are withdrawn in the wrong order, inadvertently lowering the overall value of the Cellar.
  2. Deposit: When a LP deposits, the Cellar can inadvertently deposit into a depreciating position where the intention was depositing into the holdingPosition.

Remediations to Consider

To simplify the implementation, consider defining new state holdingPosition (the uint32 ID) instead of holdingIndex; this reduces the developer’s mental burden by removing the concern of array accesses:

  • When mutating the underlying array with removePosition consider checking if creditPositions[toRemoveindex] refers to holdingPosition instead and revert if needed
  • Consider removing the code dealing with the holding position in swapPositions because the notion of the holding position is represented as a name instead of an index
Response by Sommelier Finance

As suggested, use of holdingIndex has been changed to use of holdingPosition, with checks modified to check the positionId for removal of the holding position (line 239-240 of Cellar.sol), and swapPositions code dealing with the holding position removed.


minHealthFactor is Strategist controlled, potentially making Cellar Aave accounts liquidatable

Trust Model

(The important difference between this and H-5 is: H-5 is about the liability side of an Aave account, and this issue about the equity side.)

Strategists can call addPosition to add position configuration. A type of position configuration is the minHealthFactor. If there is little collateral to liability (low healthFactor), the cellar’s collateral becomes liquidatable. minHealthFactor helps restrict LPs from withdrawing too much collateral from Cellar’s Aave account by stopping LPs from withdrawing the aToken positions excessively.

However, the position configuration does not need to be approved by governance.

// Cellar.sol; addPosition called by Strategist
function addPosition(
  uint32 index,
  uint32 positionId,
  bytes memory configurationData,
  bool inDebtArray
) external onlyOwner whenNotShutdown;

// Registry:trustPosition; called by Governance
getPositionIdToPositionData[positionId] = PositionData({
  adaptor: adaptor,
  isDebt: isDebt,
  adaptorData: adaptorData,
  // Note it is initalized to 0 and
  // to be set in Cellar:addPosition by Strategist
  configurationData: abi.encode(0) 

An issue can arise when:

  1. Strategist calls addPosition for an aToken position with 0.1 as the minHealthFactor [1] [4]
  2. Strategist deposits collateral into Aave, then borrows assets
  3. A LP withdraws from the aToken position. The withdrawal causes healthFactor to be close to below 1 e.g. 1.0000001 [2][3]
  4. The Chainlink oracle price drops for the collateral and the Cellar Aave account becomes liquidatable

Remediations to Consider

Consider making position configuration data configurable by Governance instead of by Strategists to ensure minHealthFactor is sufficiently conservative.


  1. Position cannot be withdrawn when value is 0
  2. Withdraws cannot directly cause a liquidation because Aave blocks it [error code 6])
  3. The difference here is this issue brings down healthFactor by withdrawing collateral and H-5 does it by borrowing more
  4. This issue can happen regardless of strategist’s intention. Strategists can set a dangerous (< 1) minHealthFactor, so an excessive withdrawal of Aave collateral can happen
Response by Sommelier Finance

A constant minimum health factor, HFMIN, has been added to lines 71-73 of AaveATokenAdaptor.sol and lines 51-53 of AaveDebtTokenAdaptor.sol. This value is checked against the strategist-set minHealthFactor on lines 121-123 of AaveATokenAdaptor.sol and lines 140-142 of AaveDebtTokenAdaptor.sol, putting a hard lower bound on the minimum AAVE health factor and preventing the strategist from liquidating themselves.


Strategists can steal by liquidating Aave collateral via sandwich attacking a price oracle update

Trust Model

The strategist of a cellar can borrow from Aave.

However, this power is unchecked. Strategists can borrow on cellar’s behalf at arbitrarily low health factor, provided borrowing does not cause the position to be liquidatable (an Aave restriction, error 11 - "There is not enough collateral to cover a new borrow").

Consequently, strategists are incentivized to sandwich attack around an oracle price drop (e.g. USDC-USD is dropping 1%) because they profit from Aave liquidation fees.

For example, borrow WETH using USDC as collateral

  1. Wait for a TX for Chainlink USDC price drop to enter into the mempool
  2. Front run TX and borrow WETH to bring health factor lower e.g. 1.02 (below 1 is liquidatable) [1]
  3. Chainlink USDC-USD price drop executes
  4. Backrun a TX to liquidate collateral
  • Health factor was 1.02 before Chainlink’s TX
  • Suppose USDC price update is -3%, new health factor becomes < 1 after price update tx executes

Remediations to Consider

The root cause is that strategists can borrow on a cellar’s behalf at an arbitrarily low health-factor.

Consider fetching the health factor from Aave to compare to a configured minimum in AaveDebtTokenAdaptor:borrowFromAave.

However, consider using extra caution when designing a solution.

  1. Presumably using the same health factor for both the credit and debt adaptor is desirable, for restricting withdrawing too much collateral or borrowing too much. Note that the health factor is configuration for AaveATokenAdaptor. Therefore, setting the health factor in 2 different places can lead to inconsistent configuration.
  2. In general, a credit and debt adaptor pair for the same protocol are special because they manipulate the same protocol state. Therefore, there can be the same pattern of 2 adaptors depending on the same configuration in Cellar. Consider to be careful with having inconsistent configuration when it comes to a credit and debt adaptor pair.
  3. The call from cellar:callOnAdaptor to AaveDebtTokenAdaptor:borrowFromAave does not allow for passing configuration data. Consider adding a configurable limit for borrowing.


  1. This TX is not the easiest to front run, but it is still possible. There will likely be a very short time window between the Sommelier chain validating Strategist instructions and them getting executed.
  2. Because there can be MEV bots watching the Sommelier chain for the signatures for borrowing and frontend the attack on Ethereum.
  3. Also because of the fees present in submitLogicCall, which will eventually result in bots trying to claim them. In the worst case for Strategists, the Cellar’s Aave account will be liquidatable before they can backrun with a liquidation call, leaving the liquidation opportunity to others.
Response by Sommelier Finance

While we’ve added a lower bound to the min health factor as described in [H-4], we found no additional action was needed for this scenario, and believe the likelihood to be much lower than the reported “Medium”, due to the following mitigating factors:

  1. The hypothetical oracle price drop described in the issue (1%) is double that of Chainlink’s widest deviation threshold, which is 0.5%, making the opportunity less profitable.

  2. The attack requires the strategist/attacker to submit an adaptor call to borrow with extremely precise timing, such that it falls in the same block as the pending oracle update. In practice, strategists have no guarantees about same-block execution - the Sommelier chain needs to perform its own consensus process before submission, as well as Steward validation.

  3. Since AAVE conducts partial liquidation, the upside of such an attack is limited to the size of the oracle deviation plus the liquidation penalty, and could only be performed once under very specific conditions.


AaveATokenAdaptor:withdraw confuses LP for Cellar


Cellar calls mutative and trusted adaptor functions via delegatecall to change the Cellar’s state according to the adaptor’s logic. And Cellar uses staticcall for the non-mutative functions.

withdraw is a mutative adaptor function for the Aave aToken adaptor. withdraw fetches the Aave health factor to:

  • Compare against a configured minimum
  • Decide whether the withdrawal will cause the Cellar’s Aave positions to be at risk for liquidation

However, withdraw uses msg.sender for fetching the health factor meaning msg.sender will be the LP because Cellar delegatecalls into withdraw. In other words, the health factor of the LP withdrawing will be used instead of the Cellar’s.

Confusing the LP’s health factor for the Cellar’s health factor can lead to the LP not being able to redeem shares when:

  • The LP’s health factor is poor (health factor < minHealthFactor) but the Cellar’s health factor is good.

Remediations to Consider

  1. Consider changing msg.sender to address(this) to correctly represent the cellar’s address in AaveATokenAdaptor:withdraw
  2. Consider defining 2 different helper functions to help with readability for reading Cellar address in delegatecall and staticcall context to reduce the amount of mental translation needed for the readers
  • Note one can leverage Solidity’s modifiers and declare _cellarDelegateCaller as mutative even it is not, so that using _cellarDelegateCaller in a non-mutative context will be a compile-time error
  1. function _cellarDelegateCaller() internal() returns (address); i.e. address(this)
  2. function _cellarStaticCaller() internal view() returns (address); i.e. msg(sender)


Response by Sommelier Finance

The withdrawFromAave function in AaveATokenAdaptor.sol was updated to use the correct address on line 250.


PriceRouter::getValue() may return a different result from PriceRouter::getValues() due to order of operations and division before multiplication


The cause for this discrepancy is getValue() and getValues() swap the ordering of steps 2 and 3 as outlined below. Multiplication and division are mathematically commutative, but division in Solidity takes the floor, which makes the operation not commutative.

getValue() order:

  1. Get price in USD of base asset from _getPriceInUSD()
  2. getExchangeRate executes basePrice.mulDivDown(10**quoteAssetDecimals, quotePrice);
  3. Final amount is amount.mulDivDown(getExchangeRate(baseAsset, quoteAsset), 10baseAsset.decimals());

getValues() order:

  1. Get price in USD of base asset from _getPriceInUSD()
  2. _getValues() executes (amounts[i].mulDivDown(price, 10**baseAsset.decimals()));
  3. Final amount is valueInUSD.mulDivDown(10**quoteDecimals, quotePrice)

The issue is exacerbated as the size of amount argument increases.

In BaseAdaptor::oracleSwap, amountIn relies on priceRouter.getValue() , which may artificially push the value down causing otherwise valid swaps to revert on BaseAdaptor__BadSlippage(). It can also push amountIn up, allowing swaps that should have reverted to succeed.

In AaveATokenAdaptor::withdrawableFrom , the withdrawable amount depends on priceRouter.getValue(), which may result in it being higher or lower than expected.

Remediations to Consider

Consider grouping all multiplication together first, and then doing all division at the end, so no precision is lost in the intermediate steps. For example in getValues():

valueInQuote += (amounts[i] * basePrice * 10**quoteDecimals) / 10**baseAsset.decimals() / quotePrice;

Also, consider having getValue() and getValues() follow more similar code paths so they return the same value for the same pricing call. One option is to have getValue() construct the proper arguments and call _getValues() instead of calling getExchangeRate().

Response by Sommelier Finance

The Price Router was updated in multiple areas of PriceRouter.sol to use more consistent math and a common internal logic function, _getValueInQuote.


AaveATokenAdaptor::withdrawableFrom and CTokenAdaptor::withdrawableFrom may lose precision


This issue is similar to H-1 and M-2. The underlying cause is dividing and using that result to multiply. The divisions in AaveATokenAdaptor and CTokenAdaptor that are multiplied later in Cellar::_withdrawInOrder are the following:

// AaveATokenAdaptor::withdrawableFrom
maxBorrowableWithMin =
  totalCollateralETH - (((minHealthFactor) * totalDebtETH) / 
    (currentLiquidationThreshold * 1e14));

// ...

uint256 withdrawable = priceRouter.getValue(WETH(), 
  maxBorrowableWithMin, underlying);

// CTokenAdaptor::withdrawableFrom
return cTokenBalance.mulDivDown(cToken.exchangeRateStored(), 1e18);

These divisions can cause totalWithdrawableBalanceInAssets in Cellar.sol to be lower than expected, resulting in the same scenario as H-1.

Remediations to Consider

  1. Consider using a scaling factor outlined in H-1.
  2. Consider returning the numerator and denominator from withdrawableFrom similarly outlined in H-1.
Response by Sommelier Finance

The Sommelier team couldn’t detect a significant issue in either of the mentioned adaptors, and no code changes were made.

In AaveATokenAdaptor, any loss of precision in withdrawableFrom will lead to an undercounting, meaning that no unintended liquidations could occur from withdrawing too much, and any amount “stuck” would not be significant.

In CTokenAdaptor, we found no way to eliminate the division operation in withdrawableFrom without adding a common scaling factor to all adaptor code, which we felt was undesirable due to the “least-knowledge” cellar/adaptor design also described in [H-2].

We found both losses of precision to be extremely insignificant (on the order of needing millions of tokens in order to lose a single base unit to truncation), and not worth fixing given that the suggested remediations result in a degraded architecture.


VestingSimple::deposit calls ERC20(asset).transferFrom without checking return value

Use Cases

Some ERC20 tokens return false when transferFrom fails instead of reverting, which could cause VestingSimple::deposit to successfully run even though it didn’t receive the tokens it expected.

Remediations to Consider

Consider using safeTransferFrom instead of transferFrom in VestingSimple::deposit.

Response by Sommelier Finance

This was fixed on line 178 of VestingSimple.sol.


Cellar becomes unusable if a UniswapV3 position is added to the Cellar and the second token in the UniV3 pair is not supported by the PriceRouter

Use Cases

When a position is trusted in the Registry, the Registry checks to make sure the position asset is supported by the PriceRouter.

However, if a UniswapV3 position is added to the Cellar and the second token in the UniV3 pair is not supported by the PriceRouter, no one will be able to call deposit(), withdraw(), mint(), or redeem(). This is because these functions need to calculate totalAssets, and totalAssets is found by finding the balance of every position in the Cellar. When finding the balance of a UniswapV3 position, the price of both the first token and the second token in the UniV3 pair are needed. Since the Registry never checks to make sure the second token in the pair is supported by the PriceRouter, if the PriceRouter does not support the token, these functions cannot be called and will revert.

Remediations to Consider

When trusting a UniswapV3 Position in registry.trustPosition(), check to make sure the second token in the UniV3 pair is also supported by the PriceRouter.

Also consider defining a standardized hook to allow Adaptor authors to define custom validation logic.

// Registry.sol:trustPosition

// 1. Move logic for "Check that asset of position is supported for pricing operations" from Registry.sol to BaseAdaptor.sol
//    It's more coherent this way.
// 2. Optionally, run validation logic custom to the adaptor.
if (!BaseAdaptor(adaptor).isPositionTrustworthy(positionData)) 
  revert ...
Response by Sommelier Finance

This was fixed by adding an assetsUsed field to the common adaptor interface (see base implementation on lines 113-119 of BaseAdaptor.sol). UniswapV3Adaptor then overrode the assetUsed function to report both LP tokens (lines 181-189), which were stored in the previously-defined adaptorData.

Finally, assetsUsed was added to the price router support check on lines 274-279 of Registry.sol, ensuring that any asset used based on the adaptor’s own reporting is supported by the price router.


A UniV3 position’s underlying worth can be undervalued, causing totalAssets() to be undervalued as well


This issue is similar to H-1 and M-2 in that they both involve dividing, and then using the result from the division to multiply later.

When totalAssets of the cellar is calculated and the cellar has UniswapV3 positions, UniwswapV3Adaptor.balanceOf() is called to calculate the UniV3 position’s underlying worth in terms of the first token in the pair.

However, the amount of token1 is converted into the amount of token0 like this:

amount1.mulDivDown(price, 10**token1.decimals()

price is equal to (basePrice * 10**quoteAssetDecimals) / quotePrice as seen in PriceRouter._getExchangeRate()

So, amount1 is multiplied by price but that multiplication may lose precision due to Solidity division rounding down.

This will cause totalAssets to be undervalued. This is seen especially when the asset of the cellar has 18 decimals.

Remediations to Consider

Consider changing getExchangeRate in UniswapV3Adaptor.balanceOf() to something like:

(uint256 numerator, uint256 denominator) = PriceRouter(
    PRICE_ROUTER_REGISTRY_SLOT())).getExchangeRate(token1, token0);

And then using the numerator and denominator when returning the balance:

return amount0 + (amount1 * numerator) / denominator / (10**token1.decimals());

Response by Sommelier Finance

A scaling factor, precisionPrice, was added to the balanceOf calculation in UniswapV3Adaptor.sol (lines 93-170). This value is derived from the decimals of the token.


No mechanism to stop Cellar funds from being used to seed a VestingSimple contract

Trust Model

Cellar funds should not be transferred into a VestingSimple contract, however that is currently possible. The total amount of damage is limited by allowedRebalanceDeviation .

Remediations to Consider

Consider implementing a check to assert that no value is being lost from the Cellar and transferred to a VestingSimple contract.

Response by Sommelier Finance

As discussed in [H-2] above, there are myriad ways to misappropriate assets within the allowedRebalanceDeviation, and any usage of supported adaptors to perform such an action does not require remediation. The Sommelier team is aware of its chosen security trade-offs and believes the combination of on-chain and off-chain security architecture described in the [H-2] response to be the optimal approach for its use case.


Strategists can deposit an asset that is not an ERC20 position in the Cellar into a vesting contract

Trust Model

A strategist can transfer any token into the Cellar (bypassing callOnAdaptor), and then deposit those assets into the vesting contract, causing totalAssets() to increase as vesting occurs. Then, the strategist can withdraw those assets from the vesting contract back into the Cellar after they are vested. Since the asset is not an ERC20 position in the Cellar, totalAssets() will decrease, within the rebalance deviation.

LPs that deposited previously will now receive fewer assets than they are owed when they redeem/withdraw. The assets will be left in the Cellar.

Remediations to Consider

Consider asserting that a Vesting contract position had addPosition called already on the underlying ERC20. Also consider disallowing removePosition calls while that underlying ERC20 is in a Vesting contract.

Response by Sommelier Finance

Similar to [H-2] above, the suggested remediation does not adhere to the design principles of cellars vis-a-vis their adaptors, and as discussed in both [H-2] and [M-7], any risk from a malicious strategist where the impact is bounded by the rebalance deviation does not require remediation. Congruent to the mentioned issues, the Sommelier team found no required changes here.


VestingSimple::withdrawAll always emits Withdraw event with amount as 0


The s.vested amount argument in emit Withdraw(msg.sender, depositIds[i], s.vested); is set to 0 a few lines before with s.vested = 0;

Remediations to Consider

Consider changing s.vested to shares when emitting Withdraw in VestingSimple::withdrawAll.

Response by Sommelier Finance

This was resolved by storing a vested value before resetting the storage slot to 0, on line 238 of VestingSimple.sol, and using the vested value for event emission on line 248.


If the holding index is out of bounds during intialize, no one can deposit into the Cellar

Input Validation

When cellars are initialized in CellarInitializable.initialize() , the holdingIndex is set. However, there is no check to ensure that the holdingIndex is within the range of the credit positions length. Therefore, if holdingIndex >= _creditPositions.length() , no one will be able to deposit into the cellar.

Remediations to Consider

In CellarInitializable.initialize(), consider checking to make sure that holdingIndex is less than _creditPositions.length()

Response by Sommelier Finance

Resolved via use of holdingPosition, as described by the response to [H-3].


VestingSimple::withdrawAnyFor’s Withdraw event does not conform to comments

Quality Impact

The Withdraw event is declared as:

event Withdraw(address indexed user, uint256 depositId, uint256 amount);

The comment on line 29 states that the user parameter is the user receiving the deposit.

However, in the withdrawAnyFor() Withdraw event, the first argument is msg.sender, which is the owner of the deposit, not necessarily the receiver of the deposit.

Remediations to Consider

Consider modifying the event to have both the owner and the receiver as arguments.

Response by Sommelier Finance

Resolved by adding a fourth parameter to the event signature, for both the user (the owner of the deposit) and receiver (the address receiving the withdrawal).

In addition, this parameter separation was added to the deposit event, and both events were renamed to VestingWithdraw and VestingDeposit respectively, in order to eliminate overlap with the ERC4626-compliant Deposit and Withdraw events of the cellar.


Dead link in comments in Multicall.sol

Quality Impact

Consider changing:

* From:


* From:

Response by Sommelier Finance

The specified link was updated on line 9 of Multicall.sol.


Lack of human readable IDs for dependency contracts, in Registry.sol

Quality Impact

The dependency contracts

  1. Gravity Bridge
  2. Swap Router
  3. Price Router

are assigned fixed integer IDs in Registry.sol . The dependency Contract-ID relation does not change through the life of the registry. The dependency address can be changed. For example, Swap Router always has registry ID 2, but the Swap Router address (for implementation) can be changed.

However, not all dependency-IDs are named and only the Price Router has a constant human-readable ID - PRICE_ROUTER_REGISTRY_SLOT = 2 leaving room for readability improvement.

  • Consider giving Swap Router and Price Router human-readable IDs to enhance readability. Consider defining immutable names following _register calls so there is a lower chance of changing _register order and forgetting to change the ID when refactoring:
  address gravityBridge,
  address swapRouter,
  address priceRouter
) Ownable() {
  SWAP_ROUTER_REGISTRY_SLOT = 1;    // added
  • Consider changing the usage of registry.getAddress to use human readable IDs. For example, registry.getAddress(registry.PRICE_ROUTER_REGISTRY_SLOT()) instead of PriceRouter(registry.getAddress(2)).
Response by Sommelier Finance

All calls to registry.getAddress in Cellar.sol were updated to use readable constants instead of integers - lines 497 and 1402.


getCurveV2DerivativeStorage is an unused mapping in PriceRouter.sol

Extra Code
Quality Impact

In PriceRouter.sol, line 936 declares getCurveV2DerivativeStorage.

However, this mapping is never used because whenever a CurveV2 derivative asset is added/set up, the underlying token addresses of the Curve pool are stored in getCurveDerivativeStorage instead of getCurveV2DerivativeStorage

Consider removing this unused mapping or using getCurveV2DerivativeStorage for CurveV2 assets.

Response by Sommelier Finance

The specified mapping was deleted from PriceRouter.sol.


Uint32Array.sol comments are misleading

Quality Impact

In Uint32Array.sol, the comments mention uint256 integers and uint256[] arrays.

However, uint32 integers and uint32[] arrays are being used.

Consider switching the comments to reflect the appropriate integer/array.

Response by Sommelier Finance

All comments were updated to reference uint32 in Uint32Array.sol.


The constructor in Cellar.sol does not initialize anything

Extra Code
Quality Impact

CellarFactory.deploy deterministically deploys cellars using Open Zeppelin Clones and initializes the cellars in CellarInitializable.initialize(). Therefore, the initializations in the constructor of Cellar.sol are unnecessary. Consider removing them.

Response by Sommelier Finance

No code changes were made - the Sommelier team desires that Cellar.sol remain a standalone deployable contract, independent from use of the factory. Both factory and direct deployments should be supported.


Consider warning exiting LPs that they are leaving guaranteed returns behind during vesting

Incentive Design
Quality Impact

Since there is ongoing vesting, an LP is leaving guaranteed returns behind if they exit their position before the vesting is complete. This may not be immediately obvious to LPs, and may incentivize them to stay as LPs for longer.

Response by Sommelier Finance

The Sommelier team will consider how to address this in user-facing documentation, with no immediate changes made to in-protocol documentation.

In general, the Sommelier team doesn’t see exiting LPs as “losing guaranteed returns” - rather there exists a balance between the vesting returns LPs give up when exiting, vs. the “unearned” vesting returns they receive from previous vesting deposits before their own LP deposit. As such, we don’t operate as if there is a conceptual link between the tokens pending in vesting, and any LP funds that may have previously been used to “earn” those tokens.


Macro makes no warranties, either express, implied, statutory, or otherwise, with respect to the services or deliverables provided in this report, and Macro specifically disclaims all implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, noninfringement and those arising from a course of dealing, usage or trade with respect thereto, and all such warranties are hereby excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.

Macro will not be liable for any lost profits, business, contracts, revenue, goodwill, production, anticipated savings, loss of data, or costs of procurement of substitute goods or services or for any claim or demand by any other party. In no event will Macro be liable for consequential, incidental, special, indirect, or exemplary damages arising out of this agreement or any work statement, however caused and (to the fullest extent permitted by law) under any theory of liability (including negligence), even if Macro has been advised of the possibility of such damages.

The scope of this report and review is limited to a review of only the code presented by the Sommelier Finance team and only the source code Macro notes as being within the scope of Macro’s review within this report. This report does not include an audit of the deployment scripts used to deploy the Solidity contracts in the repository corresponding to this audit. Specifically, for the avoidance of doubt, this report does not constitute investment advice, is not intended to be relied upon as investment advice, is not an endorsement of this project or team, and it is not a guarantee as to the absolute security of the project. In this report you may through hypertext or other computer links, gain access to websites operated by persons other than Macro. Such hyperlinks are provided for your reference and convenience only, and are the exclusive responsibility of such websites’ owners. You agree that Macro is not responsible for the content or operation of such websites, and that Macro shall have no liability to your or any other person or entity for the use of third party websites. Macro assumes no responsibility for the use of third party software and shall have no liability whatsoever to any person or entity for the accuracy or completeness of any outcome generated by such software.